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From Webcam to Unreal Engine 5.2: Free Motion Capture using ThreeDPoseTracker

In this video tutorial, I’ll be showing you how to perform Motion Capture (Mocap) using a webcam or any available MP4 video in ThreeDPoseTracker for FREE. We’ll then take the resulting body motion animation sequence and import it into Unreal Engine 5.2, where we can easily retarget it onto any imported FBX humanoid 3D models. With my step-by-step tutorial, you’ll be able to easily follow along and create your own Mocap animations for your 3D Modeling, 3D Animation, and 3D Game Development projects. So sit back, relax, and enjoy this exciting new tutorial.

Get Freedom Animation Pipeline V8.5 for UE5.2

Get ThreeDPoseTracker

Get ThreeDPoseTracker BVH Importer for iC8.iAvatar (for iCone 8):

Get iClone 8 (Animation Pipeline Software)

Follow these steps to perform Motion Capture and import the animation sequence into Unreal Engine 5.2:
1. Record a video in MP4 format.
2. Use ThreeDPoseTracker to perform motion capture on the video, and export the captured data as BVH format.
3. Import the BVH file into iClone 8.22, and convert it to rlMotion format.
4. In iClone, use Camila to export the animation sequence as camila.fbx with motion.
5. Install the Freedom Animation Pipeline in your UE5.2 project.
6. Import the camila.fbx file and select iClone8 skeletal mesh. Only import the animation.
7. Import your third-party FBX 3D model into Unreal Engine 5.2.
8. Create an IK Rig and IK Retargeter for your 3D model.
9. Retarget the animation sequence for your avatar.
10. Done!

By following these steps, you can easily perform Motion Capture and import the animation sequence into Unreal Engine 5.2, making it possible to create high-quality 3D models and animations for your 3D modeling, 3D animation, and 3D game development projects.

#MotionCapture #Mocap #3DAnimation #3DModeling #3DGameDevelopment #UnrealEngine5.2 #iClone8 #ThreeDPoseTracker #FBX #BVH #RLMotion #FreedomAnimationPipeline #IKRig #IKRetargeter #Camila #AnimationTutorial #FreeTutorial #AnimationWorkflow #MotionCaptureWorkflow #AnimationSequence #Freedom3DArt #Professional3DWorkflow #3DDesign #3DProduction #AnimationProduction #VirtualProduction #AnimationPipeline

From Webcam to Unreal Engine 5.2: Free Motion Capture using ThreeDPoseTracker

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7 responses to “From Webcam to Unreal Engine 5.2: Free Motion Capture using ThreeDPoseTracker”

  1. Michael Becker Avatar

    this is insane. thank you for figuring out this workflow and creating the fantastic animation pipeline plugin!

  2. Mark DK Berry Avatar

    great, but iClone 8 is $600 so is there an open source alternative to that? or any other way (free) for me to get it into UE5 for use with metahuman animator? (I dont have an iPhone)

  3. Ethan348 Avatar

    Yo, does it work with UE 5.1.1 or do I have to switch to 5.2?

  4. 박진혁 Avatar

    Hi! Does it work with Unreal Engine 4.7?

  5. 80分天天 Avatar

    which app is most Easy to use and accurate in all those motion capture software or plugins you used?

  6. 80分天天 Avatar

    always appreciate your tutorial

  7. Chauhan Nirav Avatar

    How To Convert iMotion Plus To RL Motion Please Help

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