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How to set waypoint for NPC? Unreal Engine Tutorial

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Hey guys, How to set waypoints for NPC? How to simulate pedestrian or walking crowd? This is a really easy step-by-step tutorial! ENJOY! and have fun! Happy animation and game developing!


How to set waypoint for NPC? Unreal Engine Tutorial
Unreal Engine,Crowd,waypoint,NPC


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10 responses to “How to set waypoint for NPC? Unreal Engine Tutorial”

  1. HENRY JI Avatar

    How do you create an avoidance waypoint?

  2. William Tolliver Avatar

    This is not the best way to do this, but decent for knowledge sake.
    You will want to move this logic into Blackboard and Behavior tree. Decorator for Validation, Service for updates, and BehavTreeTask for the actions.
    This will allow you to compose your logic separately, and run on a separate tick thread.

  3. Desarrollo U71X Avatar

    he is only 3 years old and is a genius!

  4. Şenol DOĞAR Avatar

    Çok yardımcı oldu. Teşekkürler

  5. IcloneFun Avatar

    Wow! another thing you are covering! So many different subjects you cover and offer tutorials on. Very nice!!! 🙂

  6. anthony mcgrath Avatar

    This is useful but what If i move those waypoint balls? Surely instead of entering numbers I can plug my waypoint ball into the AI node in the eventgraph? That way if i move the object he will update?

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