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Piano 3D – Ming Tian Hui Geng Hao 明天會更好

Today I am very happy! Successful create a music 3D piano animation! This is a great breakthrough in my 3D animation life, since I am striving to bring music field into 3D animation! Let the piano keyboard to follow my music to animate, no errors for any key! To create this 3D animation, I use Midi Keyboard and Magix Music Maker (create, edit and compile music, import and export Midi File), Blender (3D modeling for this 3D animated piano keyboard key, and do texturing), iClone (animation and rendering). The most difficult part is to let the Midi music merge with 3D animated keyboard key, to perform the 3D animated piano. ENJOY! and have fun!

3D Piano Animation – Ming Tian Hui Geng Hao 明天會更好


今天我非常開心和興奮!^^ 研究了那麽久,終於成功把鋼琴音樂融入3D建模和3D動畫裏,這是目前最開心的一次突破。讓3D鋼琴跟隨著我的音樂動起來,每個琴鍵在3D鋼琴上跳動都沒有誤差。做這個3D動畫所用到的軟件和硬件:Midi Keyboard鋼琴鍵盤,Magix Music Maker(錄製和修改音樂/導入和導出Midi File), BLENDER(自製會動的3D鋼琴鍵盤的3D建模、上色Texture),iClone(動作和渲染),一言難盡的心血是讓Midi和3D鋼琴鍵盤融爲一體結合的過程。

My 3D animation full tutorial playlist (categorized systematically by types):

My 3D animation full tutorial playlist (No categorized):

Real-time keyboard strokes and mouse click on-screen. 100% step by step. If you follow every steps in this tutorial, it works.

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Freedom Arts – 3D Animation and Game Developer

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5 responses to “Piano 3D – Ming Tian Hui Geng Hao 明天會更好”

  1. Sen Li Avatar

    I was 20 when the first time I heard this song! keep going!

  2. Andres Rojas Avatar

    Wow….excellent….tutorial to come?

  3. IcloneFun Avatar

    That looks and sounds amazing! Such creativity! 🙂 😉🌺

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