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Making 3D Animation with Unlimited 3D avatars in 1 minute? Try iClone 8 & Character Creator 4!

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Character Creator 4

SkinGen Premium Plug-in

Headshot 2 Plug-in

Face Tools Plugin

iClone 8

BuildingGen Plugin

AccuFACE Plugin

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PopcornFX Plugin

PopVideo 3

Faceware Plugin

Nature Terrain Generator Plugin

iClone 7

3DXchange Pipeline 7

Piano 3D Chroma – A little Happiness 田馥甄 – 小幸運 – 3D鋼琴動畫 – 彩幻版

I created this by using 3D modeling, 3D animation, and 3D rendering skills. ENJOY! and have fun! ^^ Software involve: #Blender (3D Modeling and texturing), #iClone (Animation and Rendering)

Piano 3D Chroma – A little Happiness 田馥甄 – 小幸運 – 3D鋼琴動畫 – 彩幻版


繼昨晚的《小幸運》粉紅版3D鋼琴動畫,今日的彩幻版是第四輪測試,昨晚的彈奏音質比較差(對比起來真的差太多!),色彩只有粉紅色比較單調。今早5點鈡就起來重做。這次的換用最高品質的鋼琴,配合七彩繽紛的音樂光柱和特效,手動旋轉相機3D動畫渲染。用到的軟體:Blender(建模和上色,製作鋼琴動態,VFX Particle特效, Diffuse Map, Normal Map, Glow Map),Magix Music Maker(處理音頻Midi和音樂剪輯創作),iClone(3D動畫的最終渲染),Adobe Premiere Pro(視頻剪輯)。感謝一大清早鋼琴老師小純一邊做我的音樂顧問。玩得開心 ^^


Real-time keyboard strokes and mouse click on-screen. 100% step by step. If you follow every steps in this tutorial, it works.

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Freedom Arts – 3D Animation and Game Developer

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2 responses to “Piano 3D Chroma – A little Happiness 田馥甄 – 小幸運 – 3D鋼琴動畫 – 彩幻版”

  1. IcloneFun Avatar

    I like this one. Very pretty creation my friend 🙂 😉👍

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