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Freedom’s Choice!

Making 3D Animation with Unlimited 3D avatars in 1 minute? Try iClone 8 & Character Creator 4!

Download iClone 8 & Character Creator 4 (CC4) with all Plug-in

Download iClone8 + CC4 + Plugin

Download Character Creator 4 (CC4)

Character Creator 4

SkinGen Premium Plug-in

Headshot 2 Plug-in

Face Tools Plugin

iClone 8

BuildingGen Plugin

AccuFACE Plugin

Unreal Live Link Plugin

PopcornFX Plugin

PopVideo 3

Faceware Plugin

Nature Terrain Generator Plugin

iClone 7

3DXchange Pipeline 7

High School Dance 001 – Na Xie Nian 那些年 – 馬來西亞

Malaysia High School students with uniform. 3D classroom scene. Music: Na Xie Nian 那些年, created by Freedom. 3D animation dance rendered. Software involved: Blender, iClone, Character Creator 3, Magix Music Maker, 3DXchange 7, Adobe Premiere Pro。

文化輸出作品:馬來西亞中學校服3D人物建模,馬來西亞高中生教室3D動畫舞蹈《那些年》渲染,3D背景:教室。Freedom自製鋼琴音樂《那些年》輕快版音樂配合舞蹈動作。用到的軟件:Blender, iClone, Character Creator 3, Magix Music Maker, 3DXchange 7, Adobe Premiere Pro。

High School Dance 001 – Na Xie Nian 那些年


My 3D animation full tutorial playlist (categorized systematically by types):

My 3D animation full tutorial playlist (No categorized):

Real-time keyboard strokes and mouse click on-screen. 100% step by step. If you follow every steps in this tutorial, it works.

Youtube Channel:
Freedom Arts – 3D Animation and Game Developer

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6 responses to “High School Dance 001 – Na Xie Nian 那些年 – 馬來西亞”

  1. Danny Tan Avatar

    malaysia pride hahaha🤗

  2. Cat Chen Avatar

    老师,你有没有发过跟这个课程相关的课:https://youtu.be/2bh9EPPn0QI? 谢谢,它这个太快了!

  3. Cat Chen Avatar

    Could you tell me how to make this animation ?您是怎么办到跳舞做的这么连贯的?有哪个App可以办到吗?谢谢!

  4. Irfan MD Avatar

    Nice work sir clothting super …..

  5. IcloneFun Avatar

    Sooooooooooooo AWESOME!!!!! Love the music you always use or create 🙂 🤗🌹

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