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Animation – Qing-Dynasty Royal Dance 清朝故宮跳舞

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China ancient Emperor dance!? Previously I designed China Qing-dynasty 3D clothes, with Chinese face, match the Forbidden City background. I created ancient flute version of Gee, to make sure it match the theme. Finally I render this dancing 3D animation. ENJOY! and have fun! Happy week end!

皇上、皇太后、皇后、格格、阿哥都一起來跳舞吧!!!之前設計的清朝3D服裝、大中華臉孔的3D人物,配合紫禁城場景。音樂也令我很頭痛。我絕對不拿別人的音樂。我對有音樂版權潔癖。爲了配合古裝,我昨晚製作了古典樂器簫版的Gee,配合在一起,終於完成這個清朝古裝舞蹈3D動畫的影片!玩得開心! 周末愉快!^^

Animation – Qing-Dynasty Royal Dance 清朝故宮跳舞

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Real-time keyboard strokes and mouse click on-screen. 100% step by step. If you follow every steps in this tutorial, it works.

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6 responses to “Animation – Qing-Dynasty Royal Dance 清朝故宮跳舞”

  1. a.barakath jaseema Avatar

    wowh …amazing work , so beautiful , make more videos . thanks

  2. Mary A Avatar

    This is so beautiful, i enjoy your tutorials. Please did you buy the dance moves?

  3. Suku Mante Avatar

    I learned a lot from you, and I'm still a beginner to 3D animation. I made clothes through Marvelous Designer then to CC3 and then to iclone. The problem that I found at this time is when adding motion to a character such as a walking motion, the clothes are slightly translucent at the knees, how do you make them elastic like in your video?

  4. Irfan MD Avatar

    how to this type clothing sir please one video tutorial nice dressing sir ..thankyou..👍

  5. IcloneFun Avatar

    oh my gosh!!!!!! I can not tell you how beautiful this scene is! The colors are MAGNIFICENT! So vivid, so sharp and detailed. The music is soooooo perfect. This is really great! 😊😊😊

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