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Google Map 3D to Unreal Engine 5.1 – Full Tutorial

Hey guys, how to import Google Map 3D cities, building and terrain into Unreal Engine 5.1 and make it become a prop or terrain in your game project? This is my step-by-step tutorial on how to do this! ENJOY! and have fun! Happy animation and game dev! ENJOY!

Get Unreal Engine 5.1

Get Google Map 3D Grabber

Get Google Map 3D:


Google Map 3D to Unreal Engine 5.1 – Full Tutorial

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19 responses to “Google Map 3D to Unreal Engine 5.1 – Full Tutorial”

  1. Millium Avatar

    Is using this with ar possible like in this unity video?


  2. NGoLC Avatar

    Nice I'll be able to make a game for my son way easier with this

  3. Ignacio de La Cierva Avatar

    I get a Chrome notifiaction "The command line flag "–disable gpu sandbox" that you are using is not allowed as it affects stability and security." Then, RenderDoc says connection is stablished but API remains=None. It seems Chrome has been updated to block this "hack".

  4. Honest Boi Avatar

    hey, just use your real name, chinggcHUNGGG. What in the finghell is "freedom"?
    "Harro, my name is freedom." tf?

  5. JOLTTEAM Official Avatar

    Now I can be big and step on my high school >:3

  6. Sponsi Avatar

    Wow, I always wanted to try that – a game that is based on real maps OMG : ) but is there a way to have the map in real time sort of, the whole world? You create a globe and then map the map onto it?

  7. kerry joy Avatar

    reply my messenger please

  8. jumpieva Avatar

    hmm are not all cities mapped to 3d? i took a few ones in europe and the 3d map still shows flat data other than terrain and completely flattened compared to others cities. is this a limitation of google and what has been scanned?

  9. RV Relaxation Avatar

    I can't find inject into prosses in renderdoc,can you help me?I have 1.26 version of RenderDoc

  10. love fest centroamerica Avatar

    Thanks for the knowledge! I got an error from chrome that tells me:
    The command line flag "–disable gpu sandbox" that you are using is not allowed as it affects stability and security.

  11. Helion Lintry Avatar

    That's cool and all, but how would I import this as landscape as not as a mesh?

  12. Best chef ever Avatar

    Hi, as soon as I press inject, render doc closes and I don't get that black bar with the info at the top of my browser tab. Any thoughts as to why?

  13. Brandon Lanois Avatar

    I got this error messages: " Error Couldn't allocate remote memory for DLL " " Error Can't locate renderdoc.dll in remote PID 248400"
    Do you have any idea how to solve this?

  14. Al Sharif Avatar

    I watched every second with full attention, thank you so much for sharing valuable information IN DETAIL like a Boss.

  15. Michael B Avatar

    for some reason, Ive tried several times following your instructions and still cant get the 3d houses to come up just stays flat can you help am using win11 and all the software as you explained. I click in 3d in google and get as close as can before it goes to street level and then go back to 2d and all but still comes out flat.
    anyone help

  16. LightWorkerBass Avatar

    You are a wizard 🧙‍♂️ 👏

  17. Lukesfilm Ltd Avatar

    yo man! Ive got an interesting problem…
    I built a character with fuse and imported into accurig and all went fine.
    then brought into unreal and the skel is fine BUT all the objs like eyes etc are all messed up and weird opacity. Help!

  18. Lukesfilm Ltd Avatar

    yo man! Ive got an interesting problem…
    I built a character with fuse and imported into accurig and all went fine.
    then brought into unreal and the skel is fine BUT all the objs like eyes etc are all messed up and weird opacity. Help!

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