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How to create label facing camera? Text Render – Unreal Engine – Full Tutorial

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How to create text label which will always facing the camera in your Unreal Engine Game? This is my step-by-step tutorial on how to make this magic label. ENJOY! and have fun! Happy animation and game developing!


How to create label facing camera? Text Render – Unreal Engine – Full Tutorial

Unreal Engine,Label,Text Render,Facing Camera,BillBoard,face camera,bill board


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11 responses to “How to create label facing camera? Text Render – Unreal Engine – Full Tutorial”

  1. reddy shekar Avatar

    Thank You very much. This was really helpful.

  2. Alex Go Avatar

    Tell me, and how to make a contour (stroke) of letters of a different color text render. p.s. I have letters of blue light , and that they would stand out somehow on other backgrounds, they need to be outlined (for example, black)?

  3. Sayonara Desu Avatar

    do you know how to flip the camera spectator (in VR if possible) so the image is mirrored? When I raise my right hand to show my left hand raising and so on. Is there any command for that?

  4. Mader Levap Avatar

    Best way to make text facing camera is by using custom material blueprint.

    Make copy of default material used in Text Render Component (DefaultTextMaterialOpaque). Inside material insert AlignMeshToTheCamera node and connect WorldPositionOffset pin to WorldPositionOffset in main material node. Last you need to add two Constant3Vectors, first 1,0,0 and second 0,-1,0. First connect to Custom Object Basis 2 and second connect to Custom Object Basis 3.

    Volia, you have text that faces you. Warning: for TextRenderComponent that is in actors that might rotate it will be more involved.

  5. Harry Heath Avatar

    If you want it to just face the camera on one axis (e.g. pivot on the actor's yaw value) then do the same as here and then follow these steps:

    1) Split the struct pin of the Set World Rotation.
    2) Use a Break Rotator node after the Look at Rotation to get the specific axis you want to face the camera.
    3) Make a new Look at Rotation using the Actor Location node as the Start and Target.
    4) Use a Break Rotator on this new Look At to get the axis you don't want to face the camera.
    5) Hook everything up to the Set World Rotation node.

  6. BurningFish Productions Avatar

    How do you set up the blueprint when you don't use a camera manager but a cine camera in sequencer for cinematics?

  7. Caton l

    Hi, I just discovered your channel. I like your tool which shows your keyboard and even your mouse. All other Youtube tutorial producers should use it!

    This tutorial will be useful for the next update of my game, where I use a lot of text-render in blueprints.
    Some ideas to go further: make the texts solid and destructible, as in the game What Remains of Edith Finch. When you go through the letters, they move according to your body and disappear.

    I would also like to know how to give movement to the text, to attract attention.

  8. Sombat Khruathong Avatar

    Very nice tutorial. Can we activate this text render by a trigger box or trigger sphere?

  9. Iclone 3D Animation Avatar

    Unreal engine you need to buy or it’s free.

  10. Iclone 3D Animation Avatar

    I really like to learn how to great game and animation

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