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How to activate Female Mannequin? Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial

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Hey guys, this is the step-by-step guide on how to activate the female Mannequin, at the same time keep the male Mannequin. Replace the female Mannequin walking motion, make her walk like a girl, no more walking like a man. Finally you will have two template, one male, and one female. In your future, you can use it to retarget any of the male or female character, make our future life easier. ENJOY! and have fun! Happy animation and game developing!


How to activate Female Mannequin? Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial
Unreal Engine,Mannequin,Female,Game Dev


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13 responses to “How to activate Female Mannequin? Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial”

  1. August Forever Avatar

    Any idea why the female mannequin doesn't have the foot or hand ik bones and is there any way to get them?

  2. * MOHA™ * Avatar

    I use 2.25.1 there's no female manequin unfortunately

  3. Rubberdog Avatar

    Fantastic tutorial that has really helped me get started in unreal…Big thanks.

  4. Kathy Ross Avatar

    Lite Bastard… love you tutorial!!!!

  5. Necroman Sir Avatar

    7:44 메모 하고 갑니다. 감사합니다

  6. Innenwelten Avatar

    Thank you for this! I find it pretty infuriating that instead of simply retargeting and activating the female version, we have to go through the entire copying process. This is 2021 FFS.

  7. Mickey Viz Avatar

    Totally appreciated how he started from scratch. Stuck to the topic and showed exactly how to change the character and added a few things you could do with it afterwards.

  8. jimix30 Avatar

    So I have to take the guy's rib out, to make her come to life?

  9. Jean Claude de La Ronde Avatar

    Ah I was just looking for a Female version of the Mannequin et there it is!
    Thanks for the great and detailed explanations, Freedom.
    Good job!

  10. Xe Công Trường Avatar

    Anh có kênh nào bằng tiếng việt ko

  11. IcloneFun Avatar

    Hi Freedom! Love all your Unreal Stuff. I will be updating my hard drive in the near future so I can get Unreal loaded back on with all its huge content that take up so much space. Then I will come back and rewatch all your Unreal tutorials again. Big Thanks 🙂

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