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How to flip any hairstyle in Character Creator 3 and iClone 7?

Hey guys, how to flip any of the hair in Character Creator 3 and iClone 7, to produce new hairstyle as the “mirror image” of the original hair? You can apply in any hairstyle. This is my step-by-step tutorial on how to do this! ENJOY! and have fun! Happy animation and game dev! ENJOY!


step 01
cc3 apply hair
export texture
export texture scalp
export weighmap

step 02
export avatar OBJ
avatar OBJ to 3dxchange
export FBX selected (select the hair)

step 03
import hair mesh into Maya
scale x-axis -1
save as hair flip

step 04
send avatar to iclone
hair flip to 3dxchange
send hair to iclone
attach to head

step 05
send to CC3
apply texture
apply weighmap

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How to flip any hairstyle in Character Creator 3 and iClone 7?

CharacterCreator,Hair,HairStyle,flip,Mirror,iClone,3D Animation,3D Modeling,Game Dev,


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3 responses to “How to flip any hairstyle in Character Creator 3 and iClone 7?”

  1. Creations Maxo Avatar

    There are quite a few thing wrong or just needless in this step-by-step tutorial.
    The short version of it is:
    1) Export the hair textures (as shown Step 1).
    2) Export the Character from CC3 with the hair you want to flip. (First part of Step 2)
    Either as OBJ (which is called "Object") or FBX.
    3) Open a 3D software of your choice (Blender, 3Ds Max, Maya, etc.) that can edit meshes.
    4) Import the file your exported in 2)
    5) Remove whatever you don't need (character, eyes, eyelashes, clothes, etc.)
    6.1) Flip the 3D model. Sometimes, it can be done via the scaling or component applied on the mesh. (Depends on the Software)
    6.2) In most cases, you'll want to set the the scale to 1/100 of its current value. (Unless you have some custom scaling import option).
    Note: CC3 and iClone models works on a scaling of 1.0 meaning that 1.0 = 1 meter in relativity. Maya, Blender and 3DsMax as example work with the scaling of 100.0 meaning that 1.0 in such case is 1 millimeter. It's possible to adjust the scaling in the 3D software, but that also breaks the pre-set for export for other rendering like game engine, so it's better to just prepare when this happens.
    7) Export as FBX with a different name than the original. A good thing is to add "_Flip" or "_Flipped" after the original name.
    8) In CC3, click on "Create", then "Accessory". Select the flipped hair FBX.
    9) If needed, move the hair model in the 3D view of CC3. with the Move tool.
    10) Check the Material Tab in the "Modify" panel (right panel) and make sure the Texture Settings are using the same settings as the original. (In most cases, it's PBR.) If you want to be able to change the color, you can use the Texture Settings to "Digital_Human Hair" which is like PBR, but also turns the base hair color to a grayscale and allows you to add a Diffuse color (more easily) over it. Load all the maps and weightmap (if needed) as shown in the video @13:20 and so on. (The rest is pretty much the same as shown in the video)

    You don't need to use 3DsXchange or iClone at all (if you're flipping for CC3 or CC4) and can be done in any 3D program, including Blender (which is free).

  2. IcloneFun Avatar

    Awesome stuff Freedom! A bit complex though especially since most people do not have Maya. But awesome anyway 🙂

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