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Freedom’s best choice for 3D Animation & 3D Character Creator software: iClone 8 + Character Creator 4

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Professional Actors Stress Test AccuFACE Facial Mocap

https://mocap.reallusion.com/iclone-motion-live-mocap/accuface.html To showcase AccuFACE’s role within a real production environment and stress test its capabilities before release, Reallusion has proudly invited seasoned performers Lucas Gilbertson and Carol Anne to rigorously explore the AccuFACE facial mocap technology.

Both Lucas and Carol-Anne boast over two decades of experience as professional voice actors. Lucas has made his mark on renowned franchises like the Mega Man series and Sonic the Hedgehog. Carol-Anne Day is recognized for her extensive voice acting for anime and video games produced by Viz Media, Bandai Entertainment, Capcom, Geneon, and Bandai-Namco. Since 2020, they have ventured into game and animation creation, utilizing iClone, Character Creator, and Unreal Engine. Their first-hand experiences have helped them foster leading expertise in the field of facial capture technology.

In a bid to unravel the full potential of AccuFACE, they set about portraying cartoon characters, orc monsters, and lifelike digital humans. Their experiments involve testing scripts of varying inflections—ranging from subtle to intense—to gauge AccuFACE’s ability to deliver dramatic, natural, and nuanced performances.

00:00 Project background
00:53 How we plan to test it (with beard and nose ring)
01:16 Quick test without calibration
01:52 After calibration
02:00 Impersonate a vicious orc or cartoon character
02:29 Combining facial editing for stylized details
03:00 Tongue twister and dialog test
04:00 Comparing to iPhone facial tracking
04:42 Individual brow tracking with AccuFACE
05:22 Proper lighting requirements for AccuFACE
05:36 An extreme performance test (with good eyeball and nose tracking)

Easily produce professional animations with iClone: https://www.reallusion.com/iclone/download.html
Realtime full body motion capture with Motion LIVE: https://mocap.reallusion.com/iclone-motion-live-mocap/default.html
50% OFF limited-time Launch Special Offer: https://www.reallusion.com/store/product.html?l=1&p=3d#ic8-addon-accuface

Learn about iClone: https://www.reallusion.com/iclone/
Learn about AccuLIPS: https://www.reallusion.com/iclone/lipsync-animation.html

#iClone #AccuFACE #mocap

#iClone #characteranimation #motioncapature #facialmocap #mocapanimation #3danimation #3dfacialanimation #videomocap


35 responses to “Professional Actors Stress Test AccuFACE Facial Mocap”

  1. @robertdouble559 Avatar

    After watching a few videos on accuface, my conclusion is that it's useful for pulling silly faces, but absolutely terrible for lip-sync.

  2. @Goatcheese1230 Avatar

    The quality of the facial mocap is superb. Can't wait to get my hands on it. 🙏

  3. @digiscience3508 Avatar

    Can i use my webcam or i need to buy an iPhone to do live facial expressions?

  4. @LPMOVIESTVS Avatar

    to the ones that made this video do you guys have a YouTube channel

  5. @lincolnsmithtbp Avatar

    I have a question, I've recently got in on the whole Reallusion suite with the end goal of doing mocap animation with it for professional and personal projects, digital stunt doubles, cg characters etc. How easy is it to add these facial mocaps to a full body animation (say I'm using an iphone for the face and Reallusion and bringing in the body animation in another way but not a mocap suit). Is this something that can easily be accomplished in iClone? I'm very new to the software. I don't ever see myself rendering out my animations inside iClone, but in Blender in my more elaborate scenery. I feel like after doing all the animation in iClone, it's not as seamless as it seems to get out of the software.

  6. @24vencedores11 Avatar

    Very nice my friend.
    I got the app and I'm very satisfied. Now I just need to know how to set up my wireless phone for precising movement. Please make a tut for us.

  7. @ToKoMotion Avatar

    Fantastic insights and examples, which make me even more interested in trying out AccuFACE. Great work – Thank you very much.

  8. @SharpDesign Avatar

    I legit forgot, which was real and which was animation in the first few seconds.

  9. @Sodomantis Avatar

    Yeah, 4 months since i dropped cash on the iphone live face. Should have just waited

  10. @mycloudvip Avatar

    Outstanding! Is this type of training provided to NEW users or the ones like me who are interested in upgrading from other outcasted products?

  11. @carlosedubarreto Avatar

    Yeah, I've got inspired to buy it… It seems great.

  12. @arcinfinium Avatar

    I’m a bit disappointed with reallusion on this one. This product is not ready for release and if this is the final product then this isn’t it. Kinda making that money grab comment people always make seem a bit more valid now. I love these guys but this not tracking for me

  13. @revenger681 Avatar

    I went ahead and picked this up last week. So far, I have no regrets. I never owned the iphone version. People who saw my test renders were quite impressed. The top question I got was "this was without any cleanup?". They were quite impressed.

  14. @twistedjourney Avatar

    Really Cool and great walkthrough!

  15. @jps703 Avatar

    Can you make a tutorial on how to use your cell phone as a camera

  16. @jps703 Avatar

    what is the best camera to use

  17. @jps703 Avatar

    Qual ea câmera ideal para usa?

  18. @vivektyagi6848 Avatar

    Congratulations you are an Awesome Team there🎉 It will be a tremendous advantage if both of you could come up with full tutorials employing all the 120 facial expressions and the emotions and facial turns and distortions which come so naturally to your team. 🎉Really look forward to something on those grounds.

  19. @djinghiskhan9199 Avatar

    Shame it's limited to I-Phones

  20. @thronosstudios Avatar

    Interesting. I had the same test results. A few adjustments to the strength, denoise and smoothness and you get a pretty stable animation out of it. I used my laptop cam (1080p/30fps) and lit up my face with my phone's flashlight, and just like this guy I have a beard… an even bigger one, but once you make the necessary adjustments everything works really well! Thanks Reallusion 🙏

  21. @RareBirdGames Avatar

    3:24 you are channeling XAVIER RENEGADE ANGEL

  22. @7_of_1 Avatar

    I want to get this, a question. Did you say you had acculips activated at the same time as the facial recording or did you apply afterwards? Thanks

  23. @christiandebney1989 Avatar

    cool is this rendered in iclone?

  24. @roblox-city Avatar

    I tested AccuFace. Can you show the optimal settings for AccuFace to make facial capture as realistic as possible?

  25. @fetyanmisr Avatar

    تل يمكن عمل دروس تعليمية

  26. @0929enrico Avatar

    Soooo glad to see even the beard can work for AccuFACE!

  27. @PeggyJian-fd2vc Avatar

    Finally get a comparison from Iphone facial tracking!

  28. @OutdoorHans666 Avatar

    Your genius extreme test really make me want to try AccuFACE.

  29. @kjptravel Avatar

    Your left and right eyebrow movement is so amazing

  30. @Neuanfang2023-id6bp Avatar

    Brilliant actor with great facial performances! Never expected mocap can pick up the cockeye ◑▽◐

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