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Freedom’s best choice for 3D Animation & 3D Character Creator software: iClone 8 + Character Creator 4

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Getting Started with AccuFACE Facial Mocap | iClone 8 Tutorial

https://mocap.reallusion.com/iclone-motion-live-mocap/accuface.html The new AccuFace facial capture profile is a great option for generating your own facial motion capture from a variety of sources, including live video, sports cameras, mobile phones, and recorded video. In this introductory tutorial, you’ll learn about how you can utilize this feature and its various settings to get the most out of it.

00:00 Intro
00:25 Environment Setup
01:09 Camera Mode (Live Capture)
03:44 Video Mode (Video File)
04:49 Performance Enhancement (Full-frame Recording)
05:25 LipSync Enhancement via AccuLIPS
06:45 Reduce Tracking Interference
07:44 Smooth
08:13 Denoise
08:50 Strength

*Note: Assets shown in this tutorial serve only as reference material.


iClone is the fastest real-time 3D animation software in the industry. Integrated with groundbreaking real-time technologies, iClone simplifies the world of 3D Animation in a user-friendly production environment that blends character animation, scene design, and cinematic storytelling; quickly turning imagination into a reality.

#iclone #mocapanimations #facialanimation


34 responses to “Getting Started with AccuFACE Facial Mocap | iClone 8 Tutorial”

  1. @lunabeige Avatar

    how is it compared to iphone facial mocap?

  2. @martinflashgordon Avatar

    What should I select if I have nVidia RTX A5000? Will it works with my card?

  3. @user-sm2kj2yt5z Avatar
  4. @vivektyagi6848 Avatar

    Who is the Actor in the clip Reallusion_015.mp4

    Are there more such reference clips.

    Does the Actor have a YouTube page with such acting references. Thanks

  5. @salientfilm Avatar

    @Reallusion or anyone who has tested this on non nvidia workstation. Can AccuFace work with AMD Radeon systems or is it Nvidia only?

  6. @EZ3DTV Avatar

    Where do I purchase a mobile head cam?

  7. @augustonichele5971 Avatar

    is there a way to use it on 3d models for a live zoom/sype/teams/discord/etc?

  8. @yghjjhgj Avatar

    I have installed accuFACE plugin
    And you connected it to the camera successfully
    But when I click Preview or Record the character's face and head are frozen, nothing moves
    Although everything was communicated well

    Do you have any solution to this problem?
    Yes, I have an RTX 3060 and installed the 3000 version
    I installed the latest update for the Nvidia card from the official website

  9. @yghjjhgj Avatar

    I have installed accuFACE plugin
    And you connected it to the camera successfully
    But when I click Preview or Record the character's face and head are frozen, nothing moves
    Although everything was communicated well

    Do you have any solution to this problem?
    Yes, I have an RTX 3060 and installed the 3000 version
    I installed the latest update for the Nvidia card from the official website

  10. @audioscreamgaming Avatar

    4:13 the bald dude sounds like farting from his mouth 🤣🤣🤣

  11. @nikodromikro9692 Avatar
  12. @ZigunCut Avatar

    Big Question does this run side by side with the iclone Rokoko profile so you can capture everything at once?

  13. @SuperMyckie Avatar

    Can it be exported as fbx or alembic?

  14. @VesuviusAntaria Avatar

    I hope there will be a good tutorial. Because the doll gets strange facial features. Because in the video everything runs smoothly and flawlessly. An explanation to get the settings as good as possible would be very nice!!!

  15. @mirasorazbeq6336 Avatar

    So we need K lite codec and some codec for an Iphone users? Could you please name it

  16. @tiedtkeio Avatar

    I'm trying to connect on a local network, but AccuFace only gives me 1:999 as Internal IP which doesn't work. Tried lots of different IP adresses to connect in Motion LIVE, but none of them work. There isn't really an answer for this in the documentation for this situation. Has anyone managed to get around this?

  17. @danielbecerra6094 Avatar
  18. @eliopajares Avatar
  19. @furynotes Avatar

    Much better then the hacky iphone mocap method i use. Bouncing a mirror to point to the video. Just so that I can capture video to motion capture in live face. AccuFACE works better.

  20. @rodcav3 Avatar

    I have 3 really important questions 1..I purchased Live Face a couple of years ago…and I don't see much difference between Live Face for Iphoone and AccuFace..can't see any justification to spend extra $250 for something thats very close to what I already have it would seem to may that it would make more sense and more useful and more considerate to your current customer base who've purchased Live Face ( for a hefty $299) to have upgraded and or modify the LiveFace app, rather than charging an additional $250 for a new app that does essentially the same thing as LiveFace 2. Does the facial animation export correctly to Blender with the CC4 Blender tool addon ..and 3. Please explain how and why an Nvidia card is requiredand what advantages does it really offer that Iphone LiveFace doesn't already offer..

  21. @spidertec_games Avatar

    NOTE: Will not connect if you have a encrypted VPN enabled, just disable the VPN and worked for me. Very similar to Faceware (with more facial options)

  22. @DarkSevariant Avatar

    Hi, So You Don't Need the iPhone Camera Anymore? You Can Use a Webcam? Maybe This is a Different Software Than the One That Requires an iPhone. I Have the Face Mocap for Cartoon Animator, but Really Want to Get Into Character Creator.

  23. @AdrianGhandour Avatar

    also, what am i missing about this app? I paid 100's of dollars for the iphone mocap app. Why would I need this?

  24. @AdrianGhandour Avatar

    The live face for iphone works the way it should, I dont understand why this doesn't work?

  25. @AdrianGhandour Avatar

    okay, i am not able to get this thing to work…. i only have OSB and the demo camera on the camera tab anyone know how to fix this? I have the app on my iphone, and putting in the right IP , nothing

  26. @unit102 Avatar

    I wonder if Reallusion will jump into the full motion body capture business and support a multi-cam/mobile capture solution for a high accurate motion data 😏then all the missing pieces will get together to become a one powerful animation tool from Reallusion !

  27. @leodegrance5609 Avatar

    Would be cool to demo the live cam in a future webinar. Have Mark or Kai control the face over the zoom stream live to test the concept of remote actors driving the animation. Saw that outlined in the documentation on the main page. It looks promising, but I'll have to see a live demo of it before pulling the trigger.

  28. @raffrex9748 Avatar

    Faceware and iPhone almost gone

  29. @BastionNQS Avatar

    I already own faceware? What's the difference between the two, and do I now need to purchase Accuface???

  30. @DataJuggler Avatar

    I hit play in Video Mode, and my character doesn't move. Is there something you have to do to get this to happen? Gave up, uninstalled.

  31. @jovanmaric8932 Avatar

    How does this compare to the iphone Lidar plugin? Is it less accurate?

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