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Vroid VRM to Blender and FBX – Full Tutorial

Hey guys, how to import Vroid VRM file into Blender and export as FBX? This is the step-by-step tutorial on how to import Vroid VRM file into Blender, and you can further export the FBX out from Blender as FBX file, for all other 3D modeling, 3D animation and 3D game developing software. All the facial expression shapekey and skeleton bone rigs are complete! All the textures automatic embeded in the FBX file during you export it. And all the texture images will automatic saved into a folder as well! You no need to do any jobs on that, all AUTOMATIC! Vroid is an awesome software to generate unlimited Japanese Manga Cartoon style character avatars. This will be very useful for your 3D modeling, animation and game developing project. ENJOY! and have fun! Happy animation and game developing!

Download the tools that I provided here, save your time!

Download [blender-2.90.0 with VRM importer.zip]

Download [VRM_Addon_for_Blender-release.zip]

Download [cats-blender-plugin-master.zip]


Vroid VRM to Blender and FBX – Full Tutorial

Blender,Vroid,VRM,FBX,Import,Export,Vroid Mobile,Vroid Hub


Hey guys, Vroid is the best software to create Cartoon/Manga 3D character/avatar. How to import Vroid VRM to Blender, with full facial expression morph/shapekey and rig/skeleton, and export as FBX for any 3D software that you want, this is the step-by-step tutorial on how to do this! ENJOY! and have fun! Happy 3D modeling, animation and game dev. ENJOY!


Vroid VRM to Blender


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51 responses to “Vroid VRM to Blender and FBX – Full Tutorial”

  1. AI VIDEOS Avatar

    Nice tutorial, but it seems that the cats-blender-plugin did not support Blender 3.5. Do you have any other method to export the correct fbx file? Thank you.

  2. Pelpy Avatar

    hi there, I really need help here. I want to create a new vrm character from a model i found online, how can i do it? i looked around but can find a way as everybody starts with vrm characters

  3. Law Rence Avatar

    still not working for me. i dont have a fix model button and it does not create a folder with textures

  4. OnlySimpFor2D Avatar

    thank you so much!!!!!!!!! i was spending so much time trying to get the textures, and if i took screenshots they would be blurry. thank you so much!

  5. A Day in My Life Avatar

    ok but my avatar isnt in Vroid studio it's from Vroid the app that I saved in the hub, that was the reason for wanting it in the PC. The whole step after reinstalling the plugins didnt make sense to me. I can only download from VRoid Hub not export…unless I am missing something.
    Do I HAVE to use Blue Stacks? Is it because I just downloaded my model from the Vroid page in Chrome?
    **EDIT** I copied instead of cut and accidently found the textures in the download folder by itself.

  6. jack johnson게임마 제이 Avatar

    thank god i found you!!!! it finally helped!!!

  7. Taiuri Kamiya Avatar

    How can export models from Vroid to Daz Studio?

  8. Gadboa (ok stuff only) Avatar

    Dont get it to work in Blender 3.4.1, had to get Blender 2.9 – then it all worked – thx 🙂

  9. Eugene Goryachkin Avatar

    You have hair of different colors turned out

  10. Leigh Avatar

    i do this but if i import it into unity or view in 3d viewer the shading and colours are wrong

  11. Davide Olivieri Avatar

    Hi, I saw that since it is edited the quality of the character changes and looks more like a doll, is it possible to keep the basic anime-like quality while converting it to fbx? thank you.

  12. Phikill Avatar


  13. 77netwar Avatar

    Very good, I had trouble with extracting the textures, thank you.

  14. Galaxzy Avatar

    There is no export option for me pleas help

  15. Shivangi Priya Avatar

    Thank you. But I need from blender to Vroid that mean from blend to VRM>> could please help us in this matter>. Is there is add on for this or what? thank you again

  16. Ø Avatar

    Thanks, that's crazy work!

  17. Vitakind Avatar

    How do I install Cats it doesnt seem to be working for me

  18. KuroCat Studio Avatar

    after imported i only see bones without mesh : no mesh inside the armature found

  19. yinteck Avatar

    I get error and the texture is not in the folder . Does this compatible on blender 3.1 ?

  20. HakimiDrawStuff Avatar

    Also the option "Fix Model" do not appear

  21. HakimiDrawStuff Avatar

    6:42 when i extract texture image into the folder, the folder is always empty,can anyone tell me why (it say it's an error

  22. Ahmad Yafie Avatar

    couldn't find the CATS, im using blender on steam

  23. mightyedwini Avatar

    the textures dont go there and theres no fix for me

  24. bean boy Avatar

    Thank you so much, I've been struggling with this and I had no idea it didn't already make a file. You saved me

  25. BARRETTshot Avatar

    trackback error when exporting

  26. Lopez Lopez Avatar

    I followed the entire steps and downloaded what I needed, but around 6:52 you get the entire textures in your folder, while I do get the folder as well, it's left empty. I repeat the steps and I get another repeat of an empty folder. Do you know what I should do?

  27. Green Teae Avatar

    what would we do if the VRM addon didn't appear after we installed the file into blender?

  28. Envy Mythos Avatar

    You are my savior, I have been confused on how to get blender to work for months now

  29. Virgo Avatar

    Very helpful thank u

  30. NoOnesSelf Avatar

    Very helpful thank you!

  31. Foxy Animations Avatar

    thanks but, my textures are just color

  32. Coisas da Luisa Helena Avatar

    Hi, can i export the vroid to FBX with bones??

  33. ChallengerDrakava Avatar

    THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH! i bought a VRC model and the seller did not include the FBX of the model, only the unity version. I was converting from VRC to VRM but the eye blendshapes were missing and to make them i needed to go back to the FBX in blender which I did not have the file for… I followed your guide and I now have the FBX file i need to make those blendshape keys! thank you sooooo much!! I thought i was done for.

  34. Денис K Avatar

    бля спасибо чел и скал адон целый день
    савлю лайк +

  35. Данил Шипулин Avatar

    I LOVE YOU<3

  36. virtual plaza Avatar

    really helpful thank you!

  37. GrimmWarrior19 Avatar

    Good tutorial, only extra thing I had to do was symmetrize (copy/flip) an ankle bone from left to right and that's probably a fault of mine somewhere. Everything else worked as shown, so thanks for this.

  38. Edward Poveda garcia Avatar

    logro exportarlo pero no quedan las texturas

  39. Pandaabbie484 Avatar

    Help! Everything has helped in this vid but when I go to "test" the character in the 3D viewer it says it can't load 3D model U.U Is there another video that may help me?

  40. 3DXJ Avatar

    Ok, first of all thanks for the amazing tutorial. Yet I’m having an issue. Whenever I export the VRM model to C4D or blender. It gets a weird shape on the eyes like the eyelashes are all messed up. Have an idea what could it be?

    1. the eyelash and eyebrow are completely black, I mean like the materials are like that.

    2. The hair changes from color to white, even in this video changed to white as well.

  41. ComplexMAD Avatar

    btw i cant get the cat thing to be imported as a addon

  42. Ø Avatar

    Thanks, that's crazy work!

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