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PIFuHD – Picture to 3D animation in Blender

Recently so many people complain about the errors. However I am just a user, not the developer, I don’t understand these code as well. You can contact the developer. His youtube account is this:
~by Freedom 28 December 2020

Real-time keyboard strokes and mouse click on-screen. 100% step by step. If you follow every steps in this tutorial, it works.

Blender Tutorial – Photo to 3D Animation in Blender – PIFuHD Tutorial – Mixamo Auto-rigger tutorial

PIFuHD official website:

Download Blender for FREE:

Mixamo Auto-rigger:

丁一凡 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRP63JfxlofCQoYYKEbqkGg
Provide a solution for some errors here:
it is weird that I use the same image before and now, but a month ago there’s no problem, now there is an error about
“get_rect(net.cuda(), [image_path], 512)”
I have found a solution maybe useful:
there will be two error link below. Click the second link and we will reach a statement ended with “demo=true”(a window of this cell will appear on the right )
All we need to do is just delete “demo=true”, remember, including the previous comma.
Then restart the cell we have modified (the previous one start with “import torch”) and the cell with error.(Two cells in all !)
Now we can run the rest of the code and get the result

If you love my video, click Subscribe at the bottom, and click the mini BELL, select all, to receive notification for every time I post a video. I will keep on posting more and more special tutorial for you.


Your friend,

Real-time keyboard strokes and mouse click on-screen. 100% step by step. If you follow every steps in this tutorial, it works.

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Freedom Arts – 3D Animation and Game Developer

If you feel all these tutorials are helpful for you, SUBSCRIBE to my Youtube Channel, turn on the mini “BELL”, select “ALL”, so that when next time I publish a new video tutorial, you will receive the notification immediately.


Your friend,

Face any problem? Require any tutorial in 3D animation and Game development? Send me a message, keep in touch. I will try my best to solve the problems.

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44 responses to “PIFuHD – Picture to 3D animation in Blender”

  1. Tiberius Grozav Avatar

    Cool content, and well expained! Still, when running the "Run PIFuHD"-box i get an error that says "error cannot marching cubes

    cannot unpack non-iterable int object". As a result i only get the .jpg/.png file as output and not the .obj file. Any ideea on what could be the matter? Thanks.

  2. prabath karunathilaka Avatar

    Valuable content. But, there was an error message appeared such as, "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'copy'". Can you fix this?

  3. Juan Fernandez Avatar

    Absolutely amazing… thank you so much!

  4. Ahmed Jumaah Avatar

    Hi where did you get the image used in the tutorial ? thanks

  5. Automobile Hub Avatar

    can you upload new method via iclone 8 … do we still mixamo while iclone has auto rig now … if you make another tut on this it would be great

  6. Yaohuan Xiao Avatar

    我看了您的教学片“Blender 教程-捕捉谷歌地图3D模型导入到Blender 完整流程示范等教程”,我想跟着学,但是都没成功,问题出在RenderDoc, 我下载的RenderDoc 中,我打开它的 File 时,
    其中没有 "Inject into process"这个命令,因此无法抓捕谷歌3D地图!请教大师们帮忙!谢谢啦!!

  7. John Hanna Avatar

    I'm getting the error "ImportError: /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pytorch3d/_C.cpython-37m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so: undefined symbol: _ZNK2at6Tensor7is_cudaEv" How do I resolve it? Thanks in Advance 🙂

  8. TJ Avatar

    Thanks man, keeps making your 3D content. It helps a lot of people. This tutorial really helps us try out software that is cutting edge and speed up modelling time. Cheers. Subscribed.

  9. HRK Avatar
  10. inaicrnd Avatar

    Great work, Sir! Thanks for sharing.

  11. Zhong xiaojing Avatar

    Excellent video, really helpful. Question.. is there any way to get the texture map(or albedo map? I don't know )when got the textured obj?

  12. Именно Avatar

    Cool bro>thk u, it`s so nice)

  13. Eduardo Pérez Infante Avatar

    Great video, thanks. BUT for some reason I can't downlaod my .obj file. All good with the jpg but the 3D file just won't download after the orange circle completes. Any leads???

  14. AL3D - 3DCinematic Studio Avatar

    Thank you again, worked excellent, wow, you're talented. I can now make any model. Thanks

  15. WGallo Avatar

    Question….how do i go by outputting multiple frames of a small animation? do i have to run it all over everytime?

  16. shea oracheski Avatar

    This is so helpful thank you for the amazing tutorial, it's very thorough! This has successfully worked for me on a single image, but I want to do it for a video. Can you use a video file instead of a PNG? Or is there a way to upload a sequence of PNG images and have the model create an OBJ for every image without having to do them one by one?

  17. Santiago Vivanco Avatar

    This one was way easier to follow! Thank you so much 🤗🙋‍♂️

  18. Matko Baričević Avatar

    Hi I'm trying to upload a drawing my friend made as a .png or .jpeg and keep gettings this error # Warning: all images with the corresponding rectangle files under -i will be processed.
    !python -m apps.simple_test -r 256 –use_rect -i $image_dir

    # seems that 256 is the maximum resolution that can fit into Google Colab.
    # If you want to reconstruct a higher-resolution mesh, please try with your own machine. I know res is not the prob because I used a random stock photo 1920×1080 from google and it worked and I tried with res lower then 200 and it doesn't work so am I doing something wrong or is it that the system can't recognize some features?

  19. Paul Haskett Avatar

    I get an error running from lib.colab_util import generate_video_from_obj, set_renderer, video

  20. Thitherword Avatar

    No idea what's going on, but I was downloading the models in about 2 mins and now it keeps saying 7 hours…

  21. Charmve Avatar

    Could you please tell me which music is at the heard of this video? Thanks

  22. hasan safi Avatar

    RuntimeError: cuDNN error: CUDNN_STATUS_ALLOC_FAILED

  23. alp Buyukbayraktar Avatar

    from lib.colab_util import generate_video_from_obj, set_renderer, video

    renderer = set_renderer()

    generate_video_from_obj(obj_path, out_img_path, video_path, renderer)

    # we cannot play a mp4 video generated by cv2

    !ffmpeg -i $video_path -vcodec libx264 $video_display_path -y -loglevel quiet

    ImportError Traceback (most recent call last)

    <ipython-input-72-22614b7ef849> in <module>()

    —-> 1 from lib.colab_util import generate_video_from_obj, set_renderer, video


    3 renderer = set_renderer()

    4 generate_video_from_obj(obj_path, out_img_path, video_path, renderer)


    What should I do to fix this error? Thank you

  24. storage accountiii Avatar

    I fixed the demo= true. Then it gave this error: —————————————————————————

    NameError Traceback (most recent call last)

    <ipython-input-10-736a0682666b> in <module>()

    —-> 1 net = PoseEstimationWithMobileNet()

    2 checkpoint = torch.load('checkpoint_iter_370000.pth', map_location='cpu')

    3 load_state(net, checkpoint)


    5 get_rect(net.cuda(), [image_path], 512)

    NameError: name 'PoseEstimationWithMobileNet' is not defined

  25. storage accountiii Avatar

    Hi dude. I sent you a message few mins ago here is the second time I try after watching this tutorial. ————————————————————————–

    TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)

    <ipython-input-12-736a0682666b> in <module>()

    3 load_state(net, checkpoint)


    —-> 5 get_rect(net.cuda(), [image_path], 512)

    <ipython-input-11-2dd51ed5e564> in get_rect(net, images, height_size)

    28 total_keypoints_num += extract_keypoints(heatmaps[:, :, kpt_idx], all_keypoints_by_type, total_keypoints_num)


    —> 30 pose_entries, all_keypoints = group_keypoints(all_keypoints_by_type, pafs, demo=True)

    31 for kpt_id in range(all_keypoints.shape[0]):

    32 all_keypoints[kpt_id, 0] = (all_keypoints[kpt_id, 0] * stride / upsample_ratio – pad[1]) / scale

    TypeError: group_keypoints() got an unexpected keyword argument 'demo'

  26. ralexnicholas Avatar

    FYI!!! Your instructional video for PiFuHD converting my JPG file to an OBJ file worked! Had to correct an error in the script and then run each of the remaining "script cell" sections individually, but IT WORKED!

  27. Freedom Arts - 3D Animation & Game Developer Avatar

    Recently so many people complain about the errors. However I am just a user, not the developer, I don't understand these code as well. You can contact the developer. His youtube account is this:


  28. A Digital Artist Avatar

    For everyone who is facing this error:

    net = PoseEstimationWithMobileNet()

    checkpoint = torch.load('checkpoint_iter_370000.pth', map_location='cpu')

    load_state(net, checkpoint)

    get_rect(net.cuda(), [image_path], 512)

    Remove demo=True from this code line pose_entries, all_keypoints = group_keypoints(all_keypoints_by_type, pafs, demo=True) and it should work fine.

  29. 洛斯里克大橘 Avatar

    it is weird that I use the same image before and now, but a month ago there's no problem, now there is an error about
    "get_rect(net.cuda(), [image_path], 512)"

    I have found a solution maybe useful:

    there will be two error link below. Click the second link and we will reach a statement ended with "demo=true"(a window of this cell will appear on the right )

    All we need to do is just delete "demo=true", remember, including the previous comma.

    Then restart the cell we have modified (the previous one start with "import torch") and the cell with error.(Two cells in all !)

    Now we can run the rest of the code and get the result

    hope this way is useful for you, too.

  30. Blender哥哥 Avatar

    great video. keep up the good works. Like!

  31. Shubham Modi Avatar

    Bro What to do 🙁 Am getting the same error even tested with different pictures with simple backgrounds 🙁 Thank you in advance

    net = PoseEstimationWithMobileNet()

    checkpoint = torch.load('checkpoint_iter_370000.pth', map_location='cpu')

    load_state(net, checkpoint)

    get_rect(net.cuda(), [image_path], 512)

  32. ralexnicholas Avatar

    AWESOME VIDEO, FREEDOM! Thank you, Thank You, Thank You for the step-by-step directions, even though I do not read or even know Japanese! Your point and click method of instruction is "on point!"

  33. A Digital Artist Avatar

    Giving me errors now,the old method was way better.

    net = PoseEstimationWithMobileNet()

    checkpoint = torch.load('checkpoint_iter_370000.pth', map_location='cpu')

    load_state(net, checkpoint)

    get_rect(net.cuda(), [image_path], 512)

  34. Busted Shark Avatar

    Excellent work and tutorial. I'm just starting with 3D animation and this is exactly what I was looking for.
    Many Thanks.

  35. prizecard Avatar

    is there a way to separate arms from a model when the arms are connected so that I can rig the model? or is this only possible with images of people in T-pose already?

  36. Hector D Avatar

    What software do you use to record the video to get the green circle over your mouse?

  37. Hector D Avatar

    My OBJ model became very deformed and full of holes, almost like it was decaying from rust … anyone else get this problem?

  38. Freedom Arts - 3D Animation & Game Developer Avatar

    Recently so many people complain about the errors. However I am just a user, not the developer, I don't understand these code as well. You can contact the developer. His youtube account is this:


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