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How to Embed Texture in Exported FBX file? Blender 3.1 Tutorial

Hey guys! How to embed texture in exported FBX file by using Blender 3.1? How to make sure the texture is not missing from blender because of you change the texture image location in your Windows 10? How to make sure the exported FBX file will show texture after imported it again to third party software like iClone and Maya? This is my step-by-step tutorial on how to troubleshoot the texture missing issues and how to embed texture in exported FBX files! ENJOY! and have fun! Happy 3D modeling, animation and game dev! ENJOY!

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Video Tutorial Summary:

Create a 3D Model with texture:
1. Create a cube
2. import a PNG picture as texture
3. Map a texture
4. Save as a blender project file.

Demo and Explanation
5. What will happen if we move the original texture location? How it affect the blender project file? How to troubleshoot if the texture is missing?
6. What will happen if the blender project file is open, you delete/move the texture file, what will happen to the texture of exported fbx file?
7. How to export FBX properly with embed texture, to make sure the texture won’t be missing?


How to Embed Texture in Exported FBX file? Blender 3.1 Tutorial


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7 responses to “How to Embed Texture in Exported FBX file? Blender 3.1 Tutorial”

  1. Speedy 3303 Avatar

    Hey I’ve been following your tutorials on things a few weeks now and have been a greats help! I do have one question, I’ve been trying to export a XPS model in Blender with the textures as an FBX file but the textures never get exported out, I guess it’s to do with the XPS shader but I can’t find a way around it. I’m trying to upload the model to mixamo to get a rig so I can import it into unreal (I’m trying to make a game currently)
    Any help would be really appreciated 🙂

  2. Sakti Sulistyo Avatar

    I have problems with no.7, I hv few fbx that cant export good (miss some files). the files from fbx are silhouette. I already check in UV, it shihouette also, how to fix it? Thankyou

  3. A k Avatar

    If there is only image texture, it works fine.

    However, if I add 'mix rgb node' to the image texture, the texture is white in the fbx file. Could you tell me how to solve it?

  4. zainudi abwahab Avatar

    why when i exported human model to fbx, the hair always missing, Can you help me sir?

  5. CrypticSavage Avatar

    texture is missing even after ticking the embed button upon exporting? its seems to be an issue without solution so far I've tried te 2.8,3.2,3.3 versions and all had the same problem

  6. My War Avatar

    thanks for your great tutorial ! are you malaysian ?

  7. JP studio Avatar

    Muito bom Freedom , para eu exporta desta forma eu tenho que ter 3d xchang?

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