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Freedom’s Choice!

Making 3D Animation with Unlimited 3D avatars in 1 minute? Try iClone 8 & Character Creator 4!

Download iClone 8 & Character Creator 4 (CC4) with all Plug-in

Download iClone8 + CC4 + Plugin

Download Character Creator 4 (CC4)

Character Creator 4

SkinGen Premium Plug-in

Headshot 2 Plug-in

Face Tools Plugin

iClone 8

BuildingGen Plugin

AccuFACE Plugin

Unreal Live Link Plugin

PopcornFX Plugin

PopVideo 3

Faceware Plugin

Nature Terrain Generator Plugin

iClone 7

3DXchange Pipeline 7

Lego to Unreal Engine 4 – Full Tutorial

Download LeoCad (LEGO Bricks modeling software):

Download LEGO models from here:

How to setup iClone Unreal Live Link? Check this video out for detail workflow:


Lego to Unreal Engine – Full Tutorial

Unreal Engine,Lego,LeoCad,Game Dev,Import,Export,


My 3D Animation full tutorial playlist (categorized systematically by types):

My 3D Animation full tutorial playlist (No categorized):

Real-time keyboard strokes and mouse click on-screen. 100% step by step. If you follow every steps in this tutorial, it works.

My Youtube Channel:
Freedom Arts – 3D Animation and Game Developer

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6 responses to “Lego to Unreal Engine 4 – Full Tutorial”

  1. Matteo Sperati Avatar

    Awesome. But does it have to be LegoCad ? Is it possible with Stud.io ?

  2. AweMations Avatar

    Can you make a tutorial on animated lego minifigures with rigs in unreal.

  3. Lexx Popou Avatar

    Nice tutorial, but triangle count of lego car seems to high. May be we can use some LOD tool to decimate it?

  4. armondtanz Avatar

    Ah that lego site looks amazing…

    Im just curious why u dont fbx export to unreal. There is an option to import all parts together. On reallusion website they import in a very complex roman village. ?
    Having iclone live link and unreal open, will this hav drain on system?

  5. VanEngelandt Avatar

    always great video you make thank you

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