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Freedom’s Choice!

Making 3D Animation with Unlimited 3D avatars in 1 minute? Try iClone 8 & Character Creator 4!

Download iClone 8 & Character Creator 4 (CC4) with all Plug-in

Download iClone8 + CC4 + Plugin

Download Character Creator 4 (CC4)

Character Creator 4

SkinGen Premium Plug-in

Headshot 2 Plug-in

Face Tools Plugin

iClone 8

BuildingGen Plugin

AccuFACE Plugin

Unreal Live Link Plugin

PopcornFX Plugin

PopVideo 3

Faceware Plugin

Nature Terrain Generator Plugin

iClone 7

3DXchange Pipeline 7

[Software] [Character Maker] MetaHuman


MetaHuman is a cutting-edge technology and platform developed by Epic Games, the creators of the Unreal Engine, in collaboration with 3Lateral and Cubic Motion. It is designed to enable the creation of highly realistic and lifelike digital human characters for use in various industries, including gaming, film, virtual reality, and more.

Here are some key features of MetaHuman:

  1. Realistic Digital Humans: MetaHuman focuses on creating believable and realistic digital human characters with high-fidelity details, including facial features, skin, hair, and animation. The technology leverages advanced scanning, modeling, and animation techniques to capture the nuances of human appearance and behavior.
  2. Streamlined Character Creation: MetaHuman simplifies the character creation process by providing a user-friendly interface and a library of customizable presets. Users can easily modify various attributes such as facial features, body proportions, hairstyles, and clothing to create unique and diverse characters.
  3. Facial Animation and Expressions: MetaHuman incorporates advanced facial animation technology to capture and replicate human facial expressions and emotions with exceptional accuracy. This allows for highly nuanced and lifelike performances, enhancing the believability of the characters.
  4. Rigging and Animation: MetaHuman provides an automated rigging system that simplifies the process of creating a skeleton and rigging a character for animation. This allows animators to focus on bringing the characters to life through dynamic movements and performances.
  5. Unreal Engine Integration: MetaHuman is seamlessly integrated with the Unreal Engine, one of the leading game engines in the industry. This integration allows for a smooth workflow and efficient utilization of the digital humans within Unreal Engine projects.
  6. Collaboration and Customization: MetaHuman supports collaboration among multiple artists and developers, enabling teams to work together on the creation and refinement of digital human characters. Additionally, the technology allows for customization and extension, giving developers the flexibility to integrate their own tools and workflows.

MetaHuman is poised to revolutionize the creation of realistic digital characters, providing a powerful toolset for artists, animators, and developers to bring lifelike human characters to their projects with unprecedented ease and quality.

Get MetaHuman:

One response to “[Software] [Character Maker] MetaHuman”

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